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Embracing the Season of Hardship

I'm sure by now you have heard that in life their are different seasons that one goes through... The season where you plant new seeds and you water them hoping and praying that they grow. The season when all your hard work finally pays off and you see the fruit of your labor spring up, even the humming birds and bumble bees are enjoying your garden. Then their is the season where it feels like a drought just arrived and the heat continues to beat down and you are kinda hoping it rains a little or else... Then you have the season when you are glad that you saved some money because their is just no way you would be able to survive this season, you might even isolate yourself in hopes that no one sees you if you didn't plan ahead for this season.

You can call these seasons in your life what ever you want to name them but I like to look at them as growing spurts and lessons in life. I have gotten really familiar with these life lesson's hoping that certain seasons last longer then others and others shorter then others.

I've realized that within my journey of being married to my wonderful husband Pete, we have gone through each season I just shared with you. And let me tell you, it has been a ride!! A roller coaster with my hands up both shouting for joy and praising God while at the same time down on my knees pleading for help and guidance with my hands and face down on the grown pleading for help. Yes this ride has been one I will never forget. Although I can share all the good times, I'd rather share with you the hard times. Those are the times that I learned so much more. I feel that God has allowed my husband and I to walk hand and hand in these difficult times together so that He can refine us not only as individuals but as a husband and wife. Just like a gardener removes the rocks and weeds from his garden so that the soil is rich and ready for his harvest. I feel that the good LORD is doing that with us. He removes all that isn't of Him, by humbling us so that we can rely on Him for our daily bread, stripping away an identity we might of created for ourselves in our business or in social media. Truly trusting in Him, asking Him for help and guidance each step of the way, while truly walking by faith. Walking each step allowing God's Holy Spirit to hold us by the hand and direct us.

And as I type this I can't help to think, that this was all in my prayer request before this all happened. I asked God to take me deeper with Him so that I can see His miracles take place in our lives. I asked Him to make me more like Him, that I wanted to see people the way He does. And guess what, my prayers have been answered. Although it has been a treacherous journey the past 2 years of sweat and tears, I have been more closer to God then any other time in my life. I have pursed my calling as that Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31:10-31) that I hope to be. I have been more obedient to His direction in my life, knowing and hearing His voice within me. With less rocks and weeds in my garden God can do His Will in my life. He isn't trying to fight so hard for my attention, because I can see things more clearly. My garden isn't full of so much sin and garbage but has been tealed and carefully removed even the smallest pebbles in my life that I thought where cute have been removed, "Praise the Lord".

As this season comes to an end of God tealing my garden so that my seeds can grow, I can't help but to be thankful for this season of humility and waiting for the harvest. Because this was the season GOD restored us so that we can be stronger and wiser, knowing that each move is purposeful, each step was prayed for. We experienced God's hand on us and saw him provide even when we couldn't. He literally showed up and showed off!! Like providing our rental home for us $1000 under market value. That's just one example.

So embrace the hard-times, but seek God the entire time. As He says in His word "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Luke 11:9

Jesus wants us to seek Him daily so that we can experience Him on Earth just like we will in Heaven.

I hope this was an answered prayer for you, a way of hope. Know that God truly has His best for you even when it doesn't feel like it. And through the seasons of life that you go through, always seek Jesus for direction. After all, he says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

May God richly bless you!

Gisela N Sanchez

(619) 254-6066

©2018 by Gisela N Sanchez

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